Phobias... Irrational fears, that's this week's Illustration friday topic. In this picture we see a character with a dilemma. She has to face her phobias. She has to decide which is a phobia and which is a reasonable fear. She has to face heights, fire, trust that the firemen will catch her, and the elephantine fear of mice... what to do, what to do? Place yourself in her oversizes fluffy slippers and tell me what happens next!
The house is in Friedenau in sth west Berlin, and has been treated to look less photographic and retouched to remove excess cars and trees and add fire in Photoshop . The drawings were scanned into Flash, vectored and tidied up there before being added to the Photoshop file...
No houses or mice were harmed in the production of this illo!
hmm... mouse, house, why not mice and hice?
he he I like this alot, very funny!
ih ih
She jumps, of course. The net breaks and the firemen cave in upon her but she snorts one big bellow of smoke from her trunk and the firemen are blown away by it all. Everyone is safe and happy and they all go out for ice cream!
Great story and illustration and lots of fun!
Very clever, great illo!
great idea! well done :)
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