Sunday, April 29, 2007
George sings!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
George George George...
They are fine words, worthy of a statesman. But didn't they apply back on Sept 11, 2001 also?
Wow, how would the 'War on Terror' have gone if we had applied this to it? If America had bombed Afghanistan with a billion dollars worth of food, or better still, intelligent sensitive aid? And Iraq? It would be hard to drum up support to attack people who are being overwhelmingly nice to you? What family would allow their sons to be suicide bombers to destroy the people who are making your life so much better? Many of those boys come from desperate poverty and do it partly to stop these American devils, but also because their families are taken care of.
I don't know. I'm rambling a bit here... Probably George W is correct in all he does. But am I alone in thinking that there is a sort of disconnect between this quote and events in the Middle East? No easy answers, but who ever said 'Love your Enemies' was the easy path to take?
How would the world be if we took that seriously?
Friday, April 06, 2007
Easter Conspiracy

Around two thousand years ago there lived a man.
He lived in an obscure backwater of the
and never ventured out of that region.
For three years he walked from town to town with a small group of friends,
an itinerant story teller.
He held no formal position of civic, religious or military authority,
or even owned property beyond the clothing he wore.
He was executed with common criminals, and laid to rest in a borrowed tomb.
And yet, the implications of this life and death are still felt today.
When Jesus was buried, his followers were a dispirited lot. One of them had even hung himself when he realized that betraying him into the hands of the authorities would not result in glorious revolution against the Romans, but a cruel, shameful death. Their world had caved in. The One they thought would bring about God’s Kingdom on Earth was dead.
Could it be then that this small group of ordinary people could pull off the greatest hoax in history by stealing the body of Jesus from the tomb, and proclaiming him alive?
Firstly the disciples would have to come up with the story – Myth making of epic proportions – that Jesus had risen from the dead, and the redemptive outcomes of that in God’s great scheme of things. They had virtually one day of mourning to come up with a huge, subtle and sophisticated theology – and this from the minds of a bunch of rough, thick-headed fishermen and other un-learned working men!
Next they needed to steal the body. If Jesus’ body was not hidden away, the authorities only had to produce it to prove that the disciples were lying. To steal the body, this group of ordinary guys, who two days earlier were too afraid to even witness the crucifixion, would need to take on a contingent of heavily armed Roman troops who were guarding the tomb. And if that occurred, all
And then, they would need to stick to this story, no matter what. How could they get away with this, telling this story in the very time and place that it happened unless it was true? There would’ve been plenty of witnesses to confirm or deny what had happened, a fraud would’ve quickly been exposed. Apart from a certain amount of fame, there would be no gain for them in proclaiming a risen Jesus. What selfish advantage could be gained from such a story? Virtually all of the disciples would die martyrs deaths maintaining the truth of the resurrection right to the end. Who knowingly would die for a lie?
But perhaps Jesus didn’t die on the cross. Maybe he was unconscious and revived in the cool of the tomb?
There are a few problems with this theory. When Roman Soldiers execute people, they are extremely efficient, nobody survives a crucifixion. There were strict procedures in place; in fact bungled crucifixions resulted in the would-be executors being executed themselves. Jesus’ legs were not broken to hasten his death because he was already dead on the cross. John, an eyewitness, wrote in his Gospel that when the soldier put his spear through Jesus’ side, blood and water flowed out. Forensic experts would attest that this is a sure sign of death, total lung collapse, asphyxiation, the blood breaking down into its constituent parts.
If by some miracle Jesus had survived and was laid unconscious in the tomb, and revived, this badly beaten, seriously injured man had to singled-handedly move the huge stone in front of the tomb entrance and overpower a contingent of Roman Guards, who would be in deadly trouble for letting a dead man escape.
And when Jesus did re-unite with his followers, they were convinced that he was gloriously resurrected and not someone in need of intensive care. He was able to convince ‘Doubting’ Thomas (my Lord and my God) and his own disbelieving brother James that something miraculous had happened.
Jesus’ life and death are the most recorded events of the Ancient era; there is no doubt that they actually happened. And the circumstances surrounding his resurrection make it’s happening far more likely than it not happening. The evidence adds plausibility to his claims of being the son of God. It’s worth thinking about.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Uluru Journal
Check out the journal, it's updated every day. And pray for us, it's a big event, lifechanging for many of the young people who go.
The Uluru Journal
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Latrobe Festival

Families came to pass an hour and stayed all afternoon, and a lovely friendly atmosphere was created, a corner of the Kingdom of Heaven. I spent most of the day helping kids (and the odd brave adult) try out stilts and geeter boards - when three or four people strap their feet to a pair of boards and try to walk in step. Harder than it looks!
There was water balloon Volleyball, and some new statues were installed in the park for the day; the one pictured above would be Winston. Usually he is in storage in Poatina, but we dust him off and take him out occasionally. He enjoys the sunshine, but not the pigeons...
I also took part in a wheelbarrow race with a local school principal pushing me. Unfortunately he pushed faster than my hands could go, and I ended up with a teeth full of grass as we crashed out right at the start.
Be that as it may, a good start to the Easter period, and people left with a little bit of the story of Easter to think about in the coming week.