Probably should be doing assignments, but I thought I'd better update the blog. Yeah, yeah, procrastination... and actually, the fleetingness of time was apparent too me when I took this photo, the Earth rapidly revolving beneath my feet. I got up the other morning and saw this fantastic pre-dawn red sky out my window. by the time I had grabbed my camera, the sun had already popped up onto the Horizon. By the time I got my shoes on and got to the back fence, it had already cleared the said horizon. By the time the sun does this another 22 times, I need to have all my assignments done. Can I do it?
Life, it's a race against the sun. 'The sun is the same in a relative way, but you're older...' That's what Pink Floyd would say. The Psalmist. however is a tad more positive. 'But I trust in you, O Lord... My times are in your hands.' Psalm 31:14,15