Monday, March 19, 2012


He looked across the crowded room,
Her radiance struck his eye,
    Love's arrow struck within his heart...
But he wasn't supposed to DIE!

   The power surged, the sparks: they arced.
One glance, and he was dead.
    The Doctor came and saw the scene

E-cupid. The bringer of love in a post-modern age? This started as a doodle in my note-book, which spawned a nonsense poem. Then came the idea of animating it using Macromedia Flash, but who'd've thought that 8 short lines would be such an epic to produce. One day, I'll get around to it, but in the meantime, on the top is an embossed aluminium, brass and plastic representation, mounted on Jarrah timber.
The lower one is an illustration of the same character done originally in Flash. Is this the nature of creation? An idea can be brought to life in various ways, it's up to the artist to explore which way is best for their particular creation. Maybe this could be the basis for a sit-com, or a hot-air baloon...

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