Tuesday, August 14, 2007

whereever I lay my hat...

Well, I am on the sunny Gold Coast now. Actually it's not so sunny because the sun set a few hours ago... I arrived in Brisbane on Saturday night, and that's where I ate and slept. On Sunday night I was staying on the Gold Coast, just across the water from Sea World. That's the place I first met Murray, all those years ago. I was back in Brisbane on Monday night, and here on the coast (in a different house) for the next two nights. Then its back to Brissy, and at another new house . This sort of thing will continue until Greg and I are able to find somewhere of our own to stay.
If you're the praying kind, I know your prayers will be appreciated.
We need a two bed place in the region of Woodridge, and it must be CHEAP! The Aussie Government is very kindly providing me with funds for study, just not many of them! And poor ol' Greg is not even getting that! On top of that there are plans afoot to go to China next year (and I'd like to go back to Germany too, but we'll see).This is a bit of an experiment in living by faith and seeing how the birds of the air are fed and the lilies of the field are clothed and finding out if that applies to us too!
Still, it's all an adventure, and I know we'll be looked after. Just how will be the interesting part!

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