Sunday, April 01, 2007

Latrobe Festival

Well, that was a fun day! Just now come in from doing a festival in Latrobe, a nice town north of here, I think it's a bit to the left of Davenport. A bunch of us from Poatina went up there to help out the local churches with their first Easter Festival, and it was a lot of fun, as these things always are. The public were suprised and pleased to find that everything was free, the sausages, the coffee, the games, my expert tuition in stilt walking... everything!

Families came to pass an hour and stayed all afternoon, and a lovely friendly atmosphere was created, a corner of the Kingdom of Heaven. I spent most of the day helping kids (and the odd brave adult) try out stilts and geeter boards - when three or four people strap their feet to a pair of boards and try to walk in step. Harder than it looks!

There was water balloon Volleyball, and some new statues were installed in the park for the day; the one pictured above would be Winston. Usually he is in storage in Poatina, but we dust him off and take him out occasionally. He enjoys the sunshine, but not the pigeons...

I also took part in a wheelbarrow race with a local school principal pushing me. Unfortunately he pushed faster than my hands could go, and I ended up with a teeth full of grass as we crashed out right at the start.

Be that as it may, a good start to the Easter period, and people left with a little bit of the story of Easter to think about in the coming week.

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