Sunday, March 12, 2006

Here are Camille, some guy I don't recall, Honza and Ardi engaging in some quality singalong time with the Prerov gypsy kids. Note that the Honza pictured is not me! Honza seems to be Czech for John, and as half the guys that we came across appeared to be called Honza, the girls in my team dubbed me Honza too. I hope they weren't inferring that I was in any way common! Actually I feel it's probably one of the coolest nick-names I've ever been given. A bit more unusual than Johnno or Johnnie, except perhaps in Moravia and Bohemia. There was one young Honza we came across that wanted us to call him Johnna, perhaps in honour of me, or perhaps because it had a cool exotic Anglicky (English) feel to it. Anyway, that, dear reader is the origin of the name of Honzablog, just in case you were wondering...
Tak ahoj! - that's the Czech equivalent of bye now!

PS, I should've mentioned that shortly after returning from Central Europe, Leah met Scott, Scott met Leah, love ensued, and now they both have been to Prerov...

PPS, Due to the inadequacies of my Anglicky keyboard i have been rendering Prerov incorrectly. There should be a little 'v' sign over the first 'r' in the world giving it a 'ch' sound, it should be pronounced P-CHAIR-ov. Similarly Dvorak the composer has a similar sounding r in his name. Just a small point for all the linguistic purists out there...

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