Friday, August 19, 2005

introducing CHICKEN LITTLE!
Chicken Little is the creation of Ant, a work colleague of mine, and is a fiesty little character who comes out on top against all odds. (remember when 'fiesty' was the adjective of the month? Any actress of the late 90's who showed any sign of standing up for herself was descibed as 'fiesty'. Never really heard the word before then, and haven't heard it much lately... Anyway, getting off topic!) Ant had Chicken Little battling the evil Skeletor after Skeletor had defeated his arch-rival Cartlidge Man. The Chicken nonchalantly won with nary a ruffled feather. Another villian to suffer the wrath of Chicken Little was the deranged genius Kalculator (pronounced kal-COOL-a-tore). Why are there so many comic bad-guys with the suffix 'tor' in there names? Why is that? The only tor I have come across in real life is Brandenburgertor, which is not so much an evil entity but a symbolic piece of architecture in Berlin!
But be that as it may...
The real purpose of this post is this. A little while ago I visited my local cinema. In the foyer was a board advertising a forthcoming cinematic event courtesy of our very good friends at the Evil Empire of Disney. That movie was the Disney interpretation of the Chicken Little saga. Ant knew nothing of this! Ant's little character, his pride and joy, was being turned by this media Conglomerate into a paranoid piece of poultry... It however is not the first time that Ant's idea has been ripped off. Right here on the internet is Ugly Mean Chickie, much more in caharacter like our own Chicken Little, though certainly a more alcoholic, violent cousin. Some time ago I threw together a Flash animation of Chicken Little. The time could not be riper for unleashing this onto the net. Watch this space...

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