Tuesday, August 13, 2002

At the recent Commonwealth games, Australia won vaste hordes of gold medals, mainly because we are better at games than Nauru, Cyprus, Lesotho and Belize und so weiter... As a result, our national anthem was heard around 82 times. I thought, as a service to my readers, I would present you with the words... In German!:
Australier, den alle lassen daß uns uns freuen, Für wir ist jung und frei;
Wir Haben goldene Erde und Reichtum für Mühe, Unser Heim girt durch See ist;
Unser Land ist reichlich vorhanden in Geschenken Natur der Schönheit reich und selten;
In Seite Geschichte, läßt jede Stufe Fortschritt Australien Messe!
In freudigen Spannungen lassen Sie dann,
daß uns singen, "Fortschritt Australien Messe!"

Translated back into English that would be:

Australier, that everyone lets that us please us, for we is young and free;
we have golden earth and wealth for effort, our home fermented through lake is;
our country is amplly available in gifts nature of the beauty rich and rare;
in page story, lets each step progress Australia fair!
In joyful tensions, you let then that sing us,
"progress Australia fair!"

You gotta love these internet translation services!

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