Thursday, July 04, 2002

July the fourth, the fourth of July. In 1998 (that was in a previous millenium) I spent the 4th day of July in the Western Pennsylvannian county of Cambria. There was much excitement, people gathered from miles around to watch fireworks at the mall car park near Johnstown. Such a big event to celebrate Independence Day, which is a fairly cheesy, but fun movie about alien invasion. Why do these movie Aliens always decide to invade Amerika? If I were an alien I think I'd pick somewhere a bit less obtrusive and gain a comfortable foot-hold. Somewhere large and isolated. Maybe Antarctica. Aliens never invade Antarctica. You think if they could cope with the cold and vast emptiness of outer space, they'd feel quite at home in Queen Maud Land. Or maybe they want a change from that, so they go to Amerika for the bright lights and movie stars, and the chance to blow things up with full media coverage....

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