Wednesday, June 26, 2002

My skill as a prophet is undisputed! Yes, I picked this; Germany to beat Sth Korea 1-nil. Am I a marvel or what??? Actually a) I only THOUGHT they'd win by such an amount, but was too chicken to say so, because I'm never wrong, and I didn't want to start now... and b) They win ALL their games 1-nil (except perhaps that one against the Saudis... unless that was 8 mini games..)
My prediction of the final?? AT some stage the score will be 1-nil...

I promise that most of my blogging will not be as sport-centred as these last few have been...
Not only was SBS showing a German movie during the Germany/S.Korea game, but as I was changing channels during the game to check on the movie, I saw footage of the Reichstag in Berlin on Channel 2. Also yesterday, the fall of the Berlin Wall was mentioned on both the 'Today Show' and 'the Simpsons. Everywhere I look it's Germany. Weird

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